What Could You Buy For $71,000?

  • Attend Harvard for one year (tuition, room and board, and an occasional night out in Boston)

  • Buy a Tesla Model S

  • Stay in a private, luxury villa in the countryside of South France for a week
  • Head to Vegas and party like a rock star at the Palms Villa Resort and hope you’re a good gambler!

  • Buy 2-3 kilos of Cocaine (I wouldn’t personally recommend this option)

  • Build a tiny house in California

  • Go on a 65 night all inclusive cruise for two traveling from Miami to Sydney with unlimited excursions


  • You could get in one of those awesome hospital gowns where your butt is exposed, spend 10 hours at the hospital where all you can eat is ice chips, get knocked out with anesthesia, and have a surgical device implanted in your body! BONUS: you get to leave with 2 giant incisions and just pray this procedure works!

I chose the last option. Some of those others would have been much more fun!

This patch is pretty awesome and only $4 on Amazon!

8 thoughts on “What Could You Buy For $71,000?

  1. Interesting, I didn’t know that. My son’s struggle definitely taught me patience! He’s been lucky that medication works. He has a few triggers, if he overheats or is extremely stressed he will have a seizure but since his only happen if triggered we haven’t had to do EEG’s.. its been 6-7 years since. I’m also crossing my fingers for you!


  2. I just had the surgery a week ago. They wait until you body has had a chance to heal some before they turn the VNS on so I have an appointment to do that next Friday. Just like medication, you have to slowly graduate levels and experiment with what works. It takes about 4-6 months to amp it up to therapeutic levels so most patients don’t start to get any benefit from it until then. Like most things it just requires a lot of patience and perseverance! Crossing my fingers.


  3. I’m so sorry to hear of your son and I am so glad that the right medications have been found to control his! That process is so tough. It’s a gambling game for sure. Glad you enjoyed my post! Sometimes you need a little comic relief!


  4. Karen, I am so glad they worked for him too! I am incredibly grateful for good insurance. It’s still a blow to the wallet but at least treatment is a possibility. I hurt for those who have to suffer because of the insane medical costs who can’t afford them.


  5. I sympathize. My son has epilepsy and thankfully it’s been controlled for several years with medication but it wasn’t always that way. Several stays in the hospital and any time off work was spent in doctors offices or hospitals for EEG tests. Some of those stays lasted a week or more. Cha-ching… I’m still chipping away at my debt from those. Deep breath and remind yourself to enjoy the little things. And hopefully this will work to control your seizures. That in itself is priceless. Rest up and think positive! Ps.. I absolutely love this post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bob had infusions for several years that we thought the doctor said would be $6-7,000 each. He had suffered so much – and for so long – we felt it was worth every penny. We misunderstood him, though, as the first treatment was $67,000! Each following one dropped by a few thousand, but never was below $40,000. Thankful for good insurance and that the infusions worked!!!!


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